Lapsang Souchong black tea is smoked with different woods depending on the production region. Here, for approval reasons, this Lapsang is smoked with pine wood. Its "smoked" and undergrowth notes are perfectly balanced.
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Lapsang Souchong black tea is made in the Fujian region in South East China. Originally in the Wu Yi Shan massif, in the heart of a nature reserve where fragrant pines abound. A region known worldwide for the quality of its white teas. This region has developed a real know-how in terms of drying with charcoal or with other woods such as spruce, cedar, bamboo or even pine.
Unlike Shui Xian, also produced in the Zheng Mountains, Lapsang Souchong is a black tea withered in an atmosphere warmed by conifer fires and dried in the final phase like fire-tasting Oolongs, on heated bamboo baskets. with charcoal.
The smoke hides the aromatic compounds present in the tea leaves. This is why we use the lower leaves of the tea plants (souchong) which make it a tea low in caffeine.